eContent Pro has temporarily suspended the translation service offering.
We are currently streamlining the service to meet the needs of our valued customers.
Inaccurate translation can misrepresent your message. Localizing your writing to ensure that the accuracy and quality meets expectations can be very stressful and challenging. You can rely on our professional translators to reduce that burden by providing a clear-cut translation of your manuscript while maintaining your original meaning. In addition, our team of professional translators has a vast knowledge of more than 70 language pairs.
Utilizing our high quality and affordable translation services on your manuscript will ensure accurate writing is retained.

Standard Translation

Professional translators will provide an accurate, clear-cut translation of your document while maintaining your original meaning.

This option is suitable for most translation needs. However, it does not include any additional editing of the translated text.

US$ 41 Cents per Word

Premium Translation

Professional translation plus a second level of review to optimize the accuracy of your document. The first review will complete a clear translation of your document into your requested language, and the second review will provide not only proofreading to improve the grammar and flow, but also an in-depth localization of the copy to ensure accurate communication with the target culture.

This option is appropriate for specialized content.

US$ 53 Cents per Word

25% Academic Discount
Select an editorial service and upload your document for a free quote
Certificate of Completion
We provide a complimentary certificate of completion with every order
Satisfaction Guarantee
We are committed to customer satisfaction for every service we provide
50% Off Revisions
Discounted rate for revised manuscripts requiring additional rounds of editing

Full Service Coverage for Your Document

eContent Pro® provides precise and accurate translation services for your document at an affordable rate. All edits will be performed using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature, which allows for fast and simple review and management of edits.
Translation Service Coverage

During translation, we will:

  • Ensure correct grammar, word usage, sentence structure, and syntax.
  • Maintain the flow, style, and tone of the original writing in the translated document.
  • Create smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs.
Documents We Accept

We translate virtually every type of document, including, but not limited to:

  • Proposals & RFP's
  • Website Copy
  • Press Releases
  • Product Descriptions
  • Publicity & Blog Posts
  • License Agreements
  • Business Plans
  • Professional Biographies
  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters
  • Contracts
  • Abstracts

Languages We Translate

Translation from English to Another Language:

Translation to English:

More Translation Options:

Our Recent Translation Clients